We are
A values-based culture that trusts your knowledge, vision, and autonomy, we focus on taking the best products and campaigns to wow our customers and bring the freedom of decentralization to every part of the world.
Integrity, insight, innovation, purpose and cooperation are inscribed within our culture. At Gate, we are committed to GateStyles and we are looking for candidates who also exhibit the same values.
Gate.io, founded in 2013, is one of the pioneering cryptocurrency exchanges and offers services worldwide related to the trading of multiple leading digital assets. With millions of registered users, it is considered one of the safest and most reliable global cryptocurrency platforms, consistently ranked among the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges based on liquidity and trading volume (CoinGecko). Additionally, Gate.io has been verified by Blockchain Transparency.
What We Do
Our mission is to serve the blockchain industry by providing secure and reliable products & services to consumers and companies around the world. Transparency, security & integrity are our main values. The "Gate ecosystem" consists of Wallet.io, HipoDeFi and Gatechain, all of which were created to provide users with a secure, simple and fair trading platform as well as the ability to safeguard assets and trading information. Currently, we provide trade, investment, and digital wallet services for more than 300 digital assets. We offer high-quality services for millions of users from over 130 countries.