Jewel Paymentech

Singapore, Singapore, SGP
18 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2014

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Jewel Paymentech is a financial risk technology company founded in 2014 with a mission to develop intelligent risk solutions for the banking and electronic payments industry. Our suite of intelligent solutions help banks and payment facilitators conduct merchant due diligence and manage transaction fraud risks using predictive analytics. We also offer automated solutions to large merchants such as marketplaces, to identify illegal and counterfeit goods as part of their KYC process. We have also been named by SWIFT as one of the most promising FinTech companies in Asia. Capture® Automated merchant on-boarding, KYC and workflow platform. eKYC Modules for self sign-ups. One Sentry® The industry's first proactive and automated tool for continuous KYC, AML and Credit Risk (Chargeback) prediction. One Sentry® Marketplace Real-time analytics on counterfeit, illegal and brand damaging products. Mitigate shill buying and coupon fraud. Fraud Wall® Multi channel intelligence risk engine with AI designed to boost sales, improve customer experience and reduce fraudulent transactions.

Jewel Paymentech Offices

OnSite Workspace

Employees work from physical offices.

Typical time on-site: None
Singapore, Singapore, SGP