10 Edtech Companies in Singapore to Know

Education technology leverages digital pedagogy, AI and communications software to create accessible digital learning environments.

Written by Margo Steines
Singapore skyline
photo: Shutterstock
Margo Steines | Mar 21, 2025

Edtech firms leverage advances in software and AI to deliver efficient solutions to educating various populations, from K-12 to adult learners. In Singapore, these firms thrive in the business-first culture and favorable regulatory climate. These are some of the top edtech companies in Singapore.

Edtech Companies in Singapore

  • Docquity
  • LingoAce
  • Emeritus
  • Cialfo


Top Edtech Companies in Singapore

XSEED offers digital pedagogy for K-12 students and their educators. Its product family includes leadership development, teacher training and curriculum design tools for teachers and administrators, as well as test prep and skill building for students. Its app, XSEED Super Teacher, is designed to support students through knowledge acquisition and practice.


Docquity makes professional upskilling software for doctors and other healthcare providers. Through its network of Southeast Asian doctors, it offers continuing education credits, clinical experience from leading providers and virtual discussions with prominent speakers in the healthcare space. The Docquity app allows users to view clinical cases and learn from how they are managed.


LingoAce is an edtech company that makes a language learning platform for children. Using live online sessions, users are set up for skill and language acquisition in Mandarin, English, music and math. LingoAce’s pedagogical basis is in the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education and is designed for kids ages four to 15.


Emeritus, winner of the top spot on TIME Magazine’s World’s Top EdTech Companies list, is an education platform for adult learners, who can access short courses, professional training and certifications, degree programs and senior executive C-Suite programs. Emeritus is built for both individuals and corporate teams. It partners with executive education programs including Wharton and Columbia Business School.


Cialfo offers an edtech program for college admissions that is meant to augment the college counseling experience — with added features like digital communications and data-powered processes that match qualified students with best-fit universities. Once these matches are made, the company facilitates connections between high schools and recruiting universities.  


Cerebry is an AI-powered tutoring platform that serves K-12 students. Its business model is in increasing the accessibility of 1:1 tutoring opportunities that focus on adaptive learning. This teaching mode uses AI to respond in real time to student needs, adjusting curricular and assessment pace and features to meet students where they are at.


Noodle Factory is an AI-powered education technology company. By using natural language processing and automations, its software can deploy its AI, “Walter,” to build suites of assessment tools that include examination, preparatory resources and grading. Educators use the platform to create closed-loop learning systems that can be scaled to any class size thanks to the personalized assessments Walter is able to provide.


The CoLearn edtech platform uses artificial intelligence to offer online learning experiences that focus on STEM. It provides multimodal teaching, including live synchronous classes, AI homework support and aggregated educational resources. More than four million students use the CoLearn platform.


The edtech company Doyobi offers synchronous online classes for young learners between 8 and 14 years old. Distinct from asynchronous e-learning models that deliver curricula as digital products, the Doyobi approach seeks to mimic the dynamics and processes of in-person learning, using its digital interface to provide increased accessibility. Its work takes place in a metaverse context that builds social and emotional intelligence as well as cognitive skills and knowledge.


HeyMath is an edtech company that provides a virtual learning platform for mathematics. The company’s aim is to offer basic and advanced math topics in a format that is gamified and embedded with communication opportunities. Through the platform, students interact with teachers to co-create learning pathways. HeyMath is geared toward K-12 learners and works with educational institutions to create digital pedagogy options.  


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